Next Generation Residential & Commercial Painting INC



Probably The Best Company

Listed bellow is a brief outline of my extensive experience in the paintig industry, I am skilled in all finished both commercial and residential work, As a painter I have applied paint, stain, varnish and other finishes to buildings and other structures. Responsibilities have included choosing the right paint of finish fot the surface to be covered, taking in to account durability, ease of handling, method of application, and customer'wishes. Detail of my trade has included washing walls and trim to remove dirt and grease, fill nail holes and cracks, sand paper rough spots, and brush off dust. Also on new surfaces for the finishig coat, if necessary mix paints and match colors, relying on knowledge of paint composition and color harmony to suit custormer's specific nedd. Overall Responsibility is aligned Being With coworkers to Ensure proper Evecution..